"Isn’t strange what’s going on?
Despite that the coalition of evil has seal all the successful peaceful and diplomatic endeavouers, but, still, the peoples of USA, Britain and Spain refuse totally the tomfoolery walk of their governments. We are about to face a barbarian aggression on our honour, values, land and sovereignty…that is true, but there are many factors which give us an advantage that our enemy does not have which is our success in foiling US, British and Spanish attempts to dress their aggression in the mantle of the International Community, besides, that our case has open our eyes on the attitudes of important states in the world, such as France, Germany, and Belgium, making them acquainted with the peril of the American unilateralism in controlling world peoples fate, resource and their future which subject today to the most diabolic plans. The failure that US has suffer in lacking the international cover consider a big advance, but is it enough to stop the angry bull?. The answer is no for the Bush “the little” that pushed by his tomfoolery and black malice that supported by Blair and Spanish Prime Minister by no attention to the International Organization because, for them, it’s mere a tool under their hands …if it works, then it’s OK, if it not they abandon it. Thus what is required from other states in the Security Council is to have a censure post concerning this matter, secondly, to hinder aggression on Iraq it’s not enough to condemn or to protest in stead, to do the best in every possible means because these states have breached laws and the resolutions of the International Legacy. The pitiful and, shameful at the same time, thing here is that the weaknesses in the attitude of the UN Security General Kofi Annan who has go beyond the limits by pulling the UN humanitarian officials and workers in the Understanding Memorandum(Oil for Food) for nothing but implementing what his masters ordered. Is not strange for Security General to behave in opposite with UN work and goals… Is not also strange for Security General to pull all these people at a time in need of them more than any before. I wonder, what the explanation of Mr. Kofi Annan will be? What rises laugh is that Mr. Kofi Annan hears and see from the US administration what rises sarcastic and condemnation when they openly declare that they want to invade Iraq no more no less!!"
(texto de Dr. Abdul-Razzaq M. Al-Dulaimi)
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